
Alternity RPG Logo

Alternity is a Role-Playing Game, a fairly generic system of rules to allow play in any era or setting. Star*Drive & Dark•Matter are the main published settings, Gamma World, Tangents, Starcraft are the other official settings.

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News: forum broken again

Automated software upgrades broke forum again. I'm gonna fix it.

February 13, 2024 by TerroX discuss (0 posts)

News: The system is up!

edit: forum is fixed.
Forum is broken at the moment, I'll look at it in the next few days. There's some enforced PHP updgrades happening on the server soon, so I need to run over the code and fix up any deprecated functions. Not sure it's the cause of the current issue yet.

March 09, 2023 by TerroX discuss (0 posts)
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Random Dark•Matter resources

Hoffmann Institute Brochure
New Perks and Flaws from Conspiracy X

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Random Star*Drive resources

Off Course
Fusion Dhow
Geronimo-class Tradeship
Deepstrike - Reprint

more Star*Drive

Starcraft & Gamma World

Radoo Moor (Swamp Glow)
StarCraft Expanded Rules
Dark Times Cyberware
ABS Introduction & Basic Scenario
Gamma World Weapons

more Starcraft, more Gamma World

Other Resources Latest, Ranked

Problem at Formid
Vehicle Construction Spreadsheet
Starship Additions
Warships Systems Contest Entries

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Latest random solar system

random solar system graphic

Artwork from the Gallery

random gallery image weimaraner.jpg random gallery image j1at.jpg random gallery image tractor_boots.jpg random gallery image leavingport1024x768.jpg random gallery image milkyway-1.jpg random gallery image grey.jpg random gallery image gate_2.jpg random gallery image v1-ink-ca.jpg random gallery image lawkweer-map.jpg random gallery image entities.jpg

Articles written by users

Sticking to the Speed Limit
Campaign Creation Pt 1, by Khanthavone
A Campaign is like a Tree
Future War

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TVN News a Star*Drive project

TVN News image AOU Signs Exclusive Deal with T'sa ClusterAustrin Ontis
AOU Signs Exclusive Deal with T'sa Cluster

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Random Alternity Books

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